Friday, January 25, 2008

Leviticus meditations: Burrito Incident Revisited

So, remember The Burrito Incident from a couple weeks back, where I was at a meeting with dinner provided but there was no vegetarian option and I assumed the meat must have been factory farmed and unacceptable leaving me with the question of what to do now?

You may recall I shrugged and grabbed a chicken one only to reflect later that this was a mistake. Spirited Facebook discussion ensued.

And now ... the rest of the story.

That evening, Amazingly Competent Meeting Organizer had ordered from Boloco. As I try to put together a post about Humane/sustainable agriculture as respecting the Creator by respecting Creation, I see something about Boloco using all-natural, humanely raised meats.

OH!!! So it was OK after all! Excellent! Chalk another one up under "God has a sense of humor."

Then I checked out the Boloco website. Turns out they use naturally raised beef, naturally raised pork, but NOT naturally raised chicken.


God's sense of humor is somewhat twisted at times.


Anonymous said...

Just remember, good things sometimes take time. Finding a reliable and consistent source for all-natural chicken for 40,000+ people per week is a full-time job... and one we have taken on for over a year.

Stay tuned...


Kristen Filipic said...

One "we" have taken on? Have my weird Levitical musings attracted corporate attention???

Anonymous said...

i wish we were that smart, but its our friends at Google Alerts who let us know instantaneously when someone writes something about Boloco.

"Corporate" is hardly Boloco...not last i checked anyway. Just me (John Pepper) personally responding to a customer comment as we always do... actually, that kind of sounds anti-corporate when you think about it :)

